truth is that covid19 can be treated...

Understanding the Virus

Having now lived with the virus for almost two years much more is now known about where SARSCOV2 virus came from, how it interacts with humans, and how we can live with COVid19 in the future.... Learn more

Can covid19 be treated?

Despite the emergence of efficacious treatments the government currently has no outpatient treatment protocol. The good news is that there are things you can do to limit your risk of negative outcomes... Learn more

GOvernment position

Currently the government has declared a State of Public Health Emergency and is focused on isolation, and vaccination, yet no treatment. No longer "flattening the curve", but now aiming at attaining "herd immunity"... Learn more

Bigger Questions

Terms are being redefined, goal posts are being moved, and expectations are arbitrarily changed. Legal questions arise as to the effects of these emergency orders, as well as their implications on rights and freedoms... Learn more

Critical information for your health

Many doctors and scientists are asking why governments are not acknowledging effective proven protocols for prevention, treatment and control of infections. These are three critical areas of concern:




Frequently asked questions

According to the spokesperson at the Chief Public Health Officers office there is currently no treatment protocol for individuals found to be COVid positive. Isolation is recommended in hopes of curbing the spread. Attending doctors emphasize that early treatment is critical in treating COVid19, yet the government offers no early treatment protocol.

Vaccines have historically been a shot that contains weakened virus in order allow your immune system to learn how to respond to the threat of the virus in the future. The experimental mRNA shots inject genetic snippets into your body that enter your cells and instruct your cells to produce a part of the SARSCOV2 virus, specifically a pathogen called the “spike protein”. Once generated your immune system reacts to the pathogen and learns to attack any virus that has a similar spike protein. This new approach is questioned by many scientists as long term results have not been studied.

There are many reasons people have for not yet being vaccinated:

  • religious objections to the vaccines as they have been developed using fetal cells obtained from aborted children
  • mistrust of big pharma and government 
  • desire for a “traditional” vaccine
  • hesitancy concerning novel technology of genetic shots like pfizer, moderna, astrazenica and Johnson & johnson – these are not like past vaccines
  • lack of transparency concerning adverse side effects
  • personal medical concerns or allergies
  • feelings of being coerced or forced to be vaccinated 
  • news of vaccinated people getting and spreading covid- why take the risk?

Currently only the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA experimental genetic shots are being made available to Islanders with no plans of making alternate shots/vaccinations available.

Variants result when the virus changes slightly and adapts to threats. In the case of the mRNA genetic targets, the spike proteins are targeted, these spike proteins are a highly changeable part of the virus. The Delta variant is being found to be more infectious than the original virus.

The latest statistics are showing that efficacy of Pfizer and Moderna are dropping to 50% and lower against the new Delta variant. A recent outbreak in Massachusetts showed that about 75% of those infected were “vaccinated”. Studies in Israel are showing a drastic reduction in protection achieved thru Pfizer shots after only six months.

The good news is that there are many trials going on all around the world that are producing fantastic results. Whether it is thru new treatments such as monoclonal antibodies, and antivirals, or highly effective drug protocols that use tried and proven drugs, there are highly effective treatments available today. As the “vaccines” produce questionable results and side effects governments continue to ignore the scientific evidence for cheap and effective treatments

Get Informed and share the Truth, indeed, Truth will set us Free. Free from fear and division, together we can get thru this. The truth is that viruses come and viruses go, until this virus regresses we must learn to live with it. Together we must do all we can to reduce the impact of this virus. The current government lockdown, isolation and division program is too narrowly focused, and ignores treatments that can reduce all aspects of suffering from this virus by 85%. 

Treatment protocols have been developed by doctors who are actually treating and have successfully treated thousands of patients.